Pattern Thoughts Can’t Aim Height

Problems - SolutionsOnce in one of my Master’s Classes in particular course is  Entrepreneurship  Instructor started the class with a provoking  question to measure the enthusiasm / need of the diverse age group of students “Who can be an Entrepreneur ? “ at that  moment might be there were  lots of students who wants to cultivate their minds to be a successful Entrepreneur there were people who are Entrepreneurs also there were people who have clogs in their minds instead of answering that question and sharing their wish and thought  they started thinking with “HOW” we can be an Entrepreneur making the equation more complex they applied almost every studious formula live in their minds gathering everything as available  on “How To Do” manual  ending with  the puzzled  thought that they were short of tools and character required for such stance and  not the one in the  species who can be the one Entrepreneur. Most probably it’s not their handful resources which stop them to craft an equation which suites best to them it’s definitely their pattern thought or stereotyping influence which doesn’t find the positive germ for building the viral enthusiasm.


In humans there are two types of brain One is Right Dominated and Second is Left Dominated or we can say humans have inbuilt two portions of brain. Right dominated brains have more chaotic creative thoughts not following usual and taught ways of finding solutions for problems they go with the unorthodox way irrespective of the results that it always aims perfect and logical. They listened to all worst form the people and characteristics of finding an odd solution of the inherent problems rarely identified by the world. They have low-cost solutions doesn’t seems professional every time but they are recognized solutions these type of people have credit to a massive extent they help unconventionally where all formulas and equations jammed in execution. They believe in “Hands On” instead off “Eyes On” experience they gathered trash which seems very obvious wastage for some trillion humans but they are in ambition of make trash the gold. Left dominated brains are pattern humans they think analytically in habit of check every instant that nothing goes imprecise nothing looks odd in presenting the formula of the solution remembering thumb rules they have solution of the problems they find it logical, pattern and have one, two-three and end kind of list for solutions this kind of species write things reiterate them so that they apply the old proven solution once again. The instantaneous conditions and problems of the world doesn’t allow humans to stick to the formula thing now a days the time demands R&D, rewind, rethink , rebuild omit the same old same old designs and always find the best solution as the one last best doesn’t remains best it’s become one step down and term  as better. For a most successful person there is not the one best portion of the brain which encompass the career in a peak height however for significant results both sides of the brain must be utilized as some times human needs logical reasons to proceed and sometimes artistic thoughts are required to find the out of the box solution which is the demand of the moment.

To yield the best results it has to be finalized that what to do in the situation when you need a perfect equation to solve the problems. In reality there is not the “ONE” perfect formula to solve the instantaneous conditions and problems of the professional and social career. The reality of the world is future rarely repeats the past and if you find an event having resemblance with the past it resembles and not exactly the same time and situation so your applied theory not always crafting a solution for you in the future that might be a successful one in the past. The World change, things change , humans change , constraints change, problems change , resources change , brain capacities change  , time change , powers change , changes itself change so all rapid changes demands rapid solutions and rapid solutions demands every executable idea throw must  incubate like a nascent baby and care till its execution to the real ground. In human relationships , relation like parents they are liberal to all their children  not biased to anyone in caring and supporting till the age they are on their feet similarly  ideas need such nourishment they can termed right and wrong after their results not before however every success leads towards both sides for followers another success or might a downfall but you never know what’s suites best for you so give them a whir and not assume with one side of the brain either its right or its wrong.

In any sort of career you are, better is to give room to  both parts of the brain and priorities that what’s time and conditions are appealing as there is not the one best solution for every problem there are various solutions ranked itself when you interpret both sides of your brain. It’s also reality that various profession needs stereotyping mechanism to find and rectify the problem as Doctors, Forensic medical investigators, and someway Engineers as well but up to an extensive extent these professionals can apply the unconventional theories on these jobs too in engineering unconventional theories impact to a larger extent as creative thoughts in this profession stunt the old gurus of this field and they can’t stick people to follow the same way of producing products and rectify problems. The litmus paper test to identify Acid or Base doesn’t imply on all businesses of the world.


Every angle gives the different impact and solutions can’t be finding by one scope of camera, navigation requires and zoom also required.  As soon as you asked by, Can you do it ????? doesn’t think that you have every ingredient in-built to for the job you can cultivate methodically and artistically what needs is a need of whole unit used right very top of your machine. When you stuck up and feel your mind tricks you leave the place change the angle change the frame, change the influence of the bossy situation, change the time constraint and make the best solution as your only divine constraint for finding the best solution make yourselves answerable for the best solution be your own critic and raise some trillion questions in your progress you will definitely unleash the best living in YOU. Scenarios doesn’t constraint US as a whole, our motivations, our think tanks, our attitudes towards our objectives, our choices are much lethal concentrate hindrance in comparison to anything else Give a complete rotation to the brain for unleashing the BEST IN YOU ………………



Obaid ur Rehman